I designed this course as a project for n Online Teaching class. The course I designed, called Strategies for Student and Teacher Success, is meant for new or returning teachers as they enter the classroom. Teachers are often not prepared to build classroom communities or manage student behavior when they begin teaching. This course was designed to guide teachers as they prepare for the coming year. The course was developed and evaluated using the Quality Matters Rubric and Standards and built in the Canvas LMS.
Each module begins with a To-Do list, Reading List, and a statement of the Coarse Goals and Module Learning Objectives. The objectives, content and assessments for each module are aligned with the course goals.
The course content was divided up into six modules. Each module leads the learner through an instructor video, supporting videos, reading materials and notes further explaining the content.
Students are expected to participate in class discussions and submit and peer review an assignment for each module. The assignments and discussions correlate to the final project, which includes a Classroom Management Plan and detailed lesson plans for the first week of school.